
Survey failure types and recommend test procedures for ground screen connections for power cables.

Group specific activities will be broken up as follows:
  1. Survey different cable and cable accessory designs and connection types
  2. Provide an overview of failure types in MV (and HV) cable system components related to overheating in ground screen connections
  3. Propose a qualification test for power cable ground screen connections


Amir Abbas Shayegani Akmal

Technical Faculty of Teheran University - Iran

Stephane Areais

Sicame - France

Graeme David Barnewall

Essential Energy - Australia

Pierre Gorecki

Sicame - France

Klaus-Dieter Haim

Hochschule Zittau / Görlich (FH) - Germany

Hans Lavoll Halvorsen

SINTEF Energy Research - Norway

Adrien Hoock

3M - France

Sverre Hvidsten

SINTEF - Norway

Dominic Kleger

Pfisterer/FKH - Switzerland

Zdravko Pamic

HEP ODS d.o.o. Elektra Zagreb - Croatia

Injin Seo

KEPCO Research Institute Power Distribution - Korea

Philippe Singleton

Nexans - France

Kristian Solheim Thinn

SINTEF Energy Research - Norway

Christophe Tourcher

EDF, R&D Division - France

Jan Vočko

PREdistribuce a.s. - Czech Republic

Zhong Zheng

North China Electric Power University - China

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WG 2017-1 Final report

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