
The working group will cover issues related to both isolated microgrids (i.e. those that only function in an islanded mode), and embedded microgrids (i.e. those which can be operated either while connected to the surrounding power system or while islanded)

The working group will investigate the following issues :

  • Frequency control and voltage regulation,
  • Protection and safety issues, including network protection solutions for microgrids with low short circuit currents,
  • Black start capabilities
  • The design of control systems able to face the requirements of both islanded and interconnected operation and during transitions between the two modes


Ricardo André

EDP Distribuição - Portugal

Miguel Bento Rui

DAPR - Portugal

Matthias Buchner

University of Stuttgart - Germany

Marco Cupelli

Rolls Royce Power Systems - Germany

Vincent Debusschere

G2ELab - Grenoble INP - France

Gernot Druml

Sprecher Automation GmbH - Germany

Ali El Akoum

EDF, R&D - France

Mark Friese

TNEI - United Kingdom

Timothy Green

Energy Futures Lab - United Kingdom

Josef Hrouda

EGC-EnerGoConsult CB - Czech Republic

Motjaba Khederzadeh

Shahid Beheshti University - Iran

Jan Kula

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Yorick Léciagueçahar

ICE - France

Ritwik Majumder

ABB - Sweden

Stefano Mandelli

CESI - Italy

Carsten Marter

Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH - Germany

Carlos Moreira

INESC TEC - Portugal

Ulrika Morild

Vattenfall - Sweden

Lukas Sigrist

Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Spain

Maria Utrilla Bustamante

G2ELab - Grenoble INP - France

Ming Wu

China Electric Power Research Institute - China

Mikel Zaldumbide

Ormazabal - Spain

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WG 2018-3 Final report

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