
The working group will investigate:

  • How to integrate storage facilities in distribution networks;
  • Challenges associated with the modelling of storage in network planning and operation;
  • How to improve system flexibility using storage solutions;
  • How to promote safe and reliable operation for the system and for the OSO;
  • Ownership/development/management/operation of energy storage facilities;
  • Business and use cases taking into consideration:
    a. Network investment deferral;
    b. Quality of technical service;
    c. Frequency contrai and voltage regulation;
    d. Backup;
    e. Technical lasses reduction;
    f. Peak-shaving;
    g. Storage technologies as an opportunity for isolated microgrids;
    h. The impact of the way storage units are used on their ageing.

Storage solutions connected before and after meter will be covered.
Both technical and regulatory issues will be addressed.
Existing demonstration projects should be presented including, when available, lessons learned from these projects.

The Working Group will analyse what could speed up or hamper the development and the large-scale implementation of such solutions.


Berardo Almeida

E-Redes - Portugal

Leonel Carvalho

INESC TEC - Portugal

Sung-Min Cho

Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI) - Korea

Miranda Ismael

EFACEC - Portugal

Suhyeong Jang

LSIS - Korea

Thomas Kienberger

University of Leoben - Austria

Martin Lískovec

PREdistribuce a.s. - Czech Republic

Jan Moravek

PREdistribuce a.s. - Czech Republic

Sajad Najafi Ravadanegh

Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University - Iran

Omid Palizban

ABB - Finland

Ricardo Jorge Santos

E-Redes - Portugal

Fabrizio Sossan

MinesParisTech - France

Boris Turha

Elektro Ljubljana - Slovenia

Jesús Varela

Iberdrola - Spain

Chris Wering

Cooper Power Systems Division - Australia

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WG 2019-4 Final report

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