
The working group will investigate solutions adopted in different networks, highlighting each one’s specific advantages.
Group specific activities will be broken up as follows:

  1. Assess most common, both traditional and “state-of-the-art”, MV and LV components, MV/LV transformers and protection systems, remote control devices and auxiliary components, comparing them in terms of capability, performance, reliability, expected life-time and cost-efficiency;
  2. Provide an overview of future tendencies in “smart” secondary substation components, as resulting from ongoing innovation projects and CIRED acts and papers;
  3. Outline expected benefits.


Gianni Andreella

Enel Distribuzione - Italy

Roberto Calone

Enel Distribuzione - Italy

Jon Bjarte Carlsen

BKK Nett - Norway

Yves Chollot

Schneider Electric - France

Giovanni Dominici

Enel Distribuzione - Italy

Wolfgang Friedrich

Bilfinger Mauell GmbH - Germany

Iñaki Garabieta


Luca Giansante

Enel - Italy

Jarkko Holmlund

ABB - Finland

Pierluigi Invernizzi

ABB - Italy

Eduardo Jaureguibeitia

ZIV - Spain

Domenico Lamanna

Enel Distribuzione - Italy

Jose Antonio Lozano


Flavio Mauri

Enel Distribuzione - Italy

Juan Carlos Pérez Quesada

MESA - Schneider Electric - Spain

Enrico Ragaini

ABB - Italy

Juan Antonio Sánchez Ruiz

Ormazabal - Spain

Bernd Schüpferling

Siemens - Germany

Osmo Siirto

Helen Electricity Network - Finland

Martin Stiegler

SAG GmbH - Germany

Ondrej Tupý

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Sjors van der Heijden

Enexis - Netherlands

Stanislav Votruba

PRE Distribuce - Czech Republic

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WG 2014-1 Final report

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