
  1. Impact of different events to the electrical supply system
  2. Interdependence of the electrical infrastructure and others (e.g. water, …)
  3. Evaluation of needs and the existing resilience
  4. Strategies for planning, control and operation
  5. Overall strategies for cities in case of an HILP event including crisis strategies of utilities
  6. Role of innovative networks (e.g. microgrids), energy storage devices and dispersed generation against resiliency.


Rui Bandeirinha

EDP Distribuição - Portugal

Martin Braun

Fraunhofer IWES - Germany

Tomislav Capuder

University of Zagreb - Croatia

Claudio Carlini

RSE - Italy

Roger Cremers

KEMA Nederland BV - Netherlands

Mauro De Masi

E-Distribuzione - Italy

Peter Kjaer Hansen

Dansk Energi - Denmark

Gerd Kjølle

SINTEF Energy Research - Norway

Terrence Lampard

NSW Treasury - Australia

Gjerde Oddbjornn

SINTEF Energy Research - Norway

Mathaios Panteli

University of Manchester - United Kingdom

Maria Luisa Pestana

Electricidade de Portugal Distribuição - Portugal

José Sanchez-Torres

EDF - France

Osmo Siirto

Helen Electricity Network - Finland

Vladimir M. Šiljkut

JP Elektroprivreda Srbije - Serbia

Elena Stancu

Electrica SA - Romania

Zhixin Suo

China Southern Power Grid - China

Matz Tapper

Energiföretagen Sverige - Sweden

Philippe Tordjman

General Electric - France

Ondrej Tupý

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Malcolm Van Harte

Eskom Holdings - South Africa

Pierre Williams

Sicame Group - France

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WG 2016-1 Final report

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