
The group will focus first on distribution networks in European countries but could enlarge the analysis to the rest of the world, depending on the available information.
A first objective of the group is to deliver an overview of the main challenges regarding losses assessment and reduction. It will take into account the recent evolutions in the network, in a technical point of view (more Distributed Energy Resources connected for instance) and regulatory point of view (European Directive for instance). It includes all kind of losses, technical and non technical.
A second objective is to deliver an overview of existing and emerging solutions taking into account last available technologies.

Group specific activities will be broken up as follows:

  1. Identify the different methodologies currently used to valuate both technical and non technical losses
  2. Identify the main regulatory frames and corresponding incentives and roadblocks
  3. For different networks, write the “state-of-the-art” principles to identify, locate and limit losses.
  4. Based on ERGEG position paper, identify and benchmark best practices for losses treatment
  5. Describe and position emerging techniques and methods to reduce losses in their application framework


Andreas Beutel

Eskom - South Africa

Raphaël Caire

University of Grenoble - France

Ramon Canto

Enel - Italy

Damien Jeanneau

Sicame - France

Jurij Jurse

Elektro Primorska - Slovenia

Benoît Kirba

ERDF - France

Wenpeng Luan

China Electric Power Research Institute - China

Pedro Mousinho

EDP - Portugal

Ruiz Nerea

Iberdrola - Spain

Olga Ortiz

Endesa - Spain

Giuseppe Pannunzio

CESI - Italy

Martin Safanda

CEZ Distribuce - Czech Republic

Gregor Skrt

Elektro Primorska - Slovenia

Bhargav Swaminathan

University of Grenoble - France

Yann Toravel

Enedis - France

Daniele Vigliano

Enel - Italy

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WG 2015-2 Final report

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