
The Working Group should consist of representatives of grid operating companies to identify the relevant processes to be improved by smart metres as well as experts from vendors of smart meters to match the processes according to meter functionalities.

In detail the Working Group should handle the following tasks :

  • Analyse ongoing smart meter roll-out projects all over Europe to identify common/ minimum/maximum smart meter functionalities, the smart meter infrastructure including the telecom network and data management systems, as well as lessons from the projects.
  • Analyse distribution grid operators’ processes to be potentially improved in the categories
    • distribution grid planning
    • distribution grid operation
    • distribution grid control
  • Define and describe the main use-cases (process-optimizations) achieved by smart meters and metering infrastructure in distribution grid companies p.e. processes related to load flow calculations and prognosis by load curves, power quality monitoring, fault location.
  • Analyse the trade-off between process optimizations in the main use-cases and the smart meters functionalities and metering infrastructure resp. the costs.
  • Identify opportunities to improve the smart metering functionalities and technical specification.


Andreas Abart

Netz OOE GmbH Distribution System Operator - Austria

Txetxu Arzuaga

ZIV - Spain

Sébastien Brun

Enedis - France

Helfried Brunner

Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Michael Finkel

Hochschule Augsburg - Germany

Sebastian Hubschneider

KIT-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany

Peter Jensen

EDF - France

Leo Kammerdiener

Energie-Control - Austria

Cristina Martínez

ZIV - Spain

Oyama Masayuki

The Kansai Electric Power - Japan

Kumar Sahoo Subrat

ABB - Sweden

Joselino Santa Filho

EDP Brasil - Brazil

Ifigeneia Stefanidou

ETHZ - Austria

Gavriel Yehezkel

Ministry of Defense - Israel

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WG 2018-5 Final report

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