
The working group will investigate:

  • real-time remote availability of the information on the status of the network (including fault location);
  • real-time remote availability of the values of the electrical parameters (current and/or voltage);
  • smart switches, breakers and sensors for LV network;
  • new MV/LV interface solutions;
  • automatic and remote network reconfiguration capability;
  • flexibility of distributed resources from LV clients.


Marie-Cécile Alvarez-Hérault

University of Grenoble - France

Christophe Aubigny

Groupe Cahors - France

Danijel Davidovič

Elektro Ljubljana - Slovenia

Jiri Drapela

Brno University of Technology - Czech Republic

Alireza Fereidunian

K. N. Toosi University of Technology - Iran

André Madureira

INESC TEC - Portugal

Jakub Martínek

PREdistribuce a.s. - Czech Republic

Tsugihiko Masaki

Kansai Transmission and Distribution, Inc. - Japan

Marina Milosevic

Eldistribution Vattenfall - Sweden

Diego Morales

Universidad Católica de Cuenca - Ecuador

Markel Sanz

Iberdrola - Spain

Jorge Mendes Santos

EDP Distribuição - Portugal

Marco Toledo Orozco

Universitat Politècnica de València - Spain

Bingyin Xu

Shandong University of Technology - China

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WG 2019-5 Final report

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