
The working group will investigate:

  • How to forecast EV load profiles and charging stations load profiles (EV charging at home, in public areas, in collective residential building car parks, in office building car parks, etc) for network planning purposes
  • How to assess the demand of a “smart house/building” (e.g. one with Photo-Voltaic generation on the roof, local storage, an EV and a home/building energy manager) and the total load of a group of such houses/buldings (Load diversity, impact of PV shading)
  • How urban planning and traffic models can influence load profiles of fast and public charging stations
  • Which EV load profilescould impact positively the distribution network, and in which cases
  • How smart charging systems that limit charging demand in case of network
  • Which new methods and tools will be needed by distribution network planners


Mary Black

Northern Powergrid - United Kingdom

Sebastian Deters

Stromnetz Hamburg - Germany

Robin Girard

Mines Paristech - France

Masoud Aliakbar Golkar

K. N. Toosi University of Technology - Iran

Lukas Held

KIT-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany

Johannes Hiry

TU Dortmund - Germany

Vojtech Jelenecky

PRE Distribuce - Czech Republic

Stephan Koch

Adaptricity - Switzerland

Daniel Kouba

E.ON Distribuce - Czech Republic

Uršula Krisper

Elektro Ljubljana - Slovenia

Trinidad Moya

Iberdrola - Spain

Marc Petit

Centrale-Supélec - France

David Rua

INESC TEC - Portugal

Matthieu Rubion

Enedis - France

Radoslaw Szewczyk

DuPont - Poland

Martin Uhrig

LEW Verteilnetz GmbH - Germany

David Vangulick

ORES - Belgium

Emmanouil Voumvoulakis

HEllenic Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) - Greece

Thomas Wieland

NetzOOE - Austria

Pascal Wiest

University of Stuttgart - Germany

Mikel Zaldumbide

Ormazabal - Spain

Bo Zeng

State Key Laboratory for Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources - China

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WG 2018-1 Final report

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