
The Working Group will investigate :

  • projects using blockchain for the distribution system operation sector (in fields like maintenance management, engineering projects, customers relations, new services, …)
  • challenges presented by transactive energy, role of DSOs in the implementation of such marketplaces, market models and business models of transactive energy and associated opportunities and challenges for DSOs
  • possible contribution of blockchain in the development of transactive energy

Results of the Working Group should allow to better understand the issues related to transactive energy as well as DSOs might expect from blockchain technology and how it can facilitate the development of new services.


Paul Breslow

EDF - France

Raphaël Caire

University of Grenoble - France

Jeffrey R. Casey

Burns & McDonnell - United Kingdom

Diego Dal Canto

Enel - Italy

Radek Fujdiak

Brno University of Technology - Czech Republic

Regina Hemm

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Samuli Honkapuro

Lappeenranta University of Technology - Finland

Padmasri Krishnamurthy

ABB - India

Michail Masikos

Deddie - Greece

Sophia Politopoulou

Deddie - Greece

Yvonne Ruwaida

Vattenfall - Sweden

Luis Manuel Santos Moro

EDP - Spain

Mark Stefan

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology - Austria

Micah Sweeney

EPRI - United States of America

Victoria Tan

Enedis - France

Giovanni Velotto

ABB - Sweden

Jie Yu

Power Economics & Technology Research Institute - China

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WG 2018-6 Final report

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