International Conference on Electricity Distribution

CIRED - international conference on electricity distribution


Absolute records for CIRED 2019
For its 25th edition, CIRED breaks all records !
- 1519 conference participants
- 1731 submitted abstracts
- 140 exhibitors
- 62 countries represented
Thank you all for making this event a great success !
3 days before CIRED 2019
Only 3 days before CIRED 2019 ! 1515 participants and 140 exhibiting companies will be in Madrid. Definitely the not-to-be-missed place where the Electricity Distribution community meets
The event website: with the complete programme and special reports that will give you a detailed idea about what will be discussed
CIRED 2019 - Record participation
We are very proud to announce that the number of participants to CIRED 2019 has already largely exceeded the record number ever registered for a CIRED conference. If not yet registered, do not miss the opportunity to meet the 1350 experts who already reserved their place. Registration link
2019 special reports - programme

To learn more about what will be discussed during CIRED 2019, have a look at the special reports, very useful summaries of all the papers to be presented
The detailed programme is also available: Main and RIF sessions / Poster sessions

WG DC Distribution Networks
CIRED WG 2019-1 on DC Distribution Networks has recently started its activities. Click here to know more
CIRED 2019 round tables
If you want to discuss the latest challenges in electricity distribution with the industry’s current experts, do not miss our lively round tables.
The programme of CIRED 2019 is now available