International Conference on Electricity Distribution

CIRED - international conference on electricity distribution


WG on Resilience

A new CIRED Working Group (CIRED WG 2016-1)  on Resilience of Distribution Grids has recently be launched. Information available at

CIRED 2015 - Lyon (France), 15-18 June 2015
The next CIRED main conference will be held in Lyon (France) on 15-18 June 2015. More information :
CIRED-EDSO collaboration

A CIRED-EDSO for Smart Grids meeting was held in Helsinki on 14 June 2016 during the last CIRED Workshop. It was decided to even extend the collaboration between the two associations.
photo: Theodor Connor, CIRED Chairman (left) - João Torres, EDSO Chairman (right)

CIRED 2013 - advance programme

Download the CIRED 2013 advance programme to see the latest information about CIRED, including details of the Opening Forum, Tutorial sessions, Round Table topics and list of exhibitors.

The list of selected papers is available here.

CIRED 2015 - sessions summaries
Would you like to learn more about CIRED 2015 that was held in Lyon on 15-18 June 2015, click here to access the executive summaries produced foreach technical session
Workshop 2016 - 401 participants
CIRED Workshop 2016 (Helskinki, 14-15 June 2016) is now over. We registered a record number of 401 participants, coming from 32 countries. Photos and presentations will soon be available on the event website (