directing members
Directing Members (a country represented by a member of CIRED in the DC is referred to as a 'Directing Member Country'). The National Committee linked to this Directing Member Country should comprise representatives from all those involved in electricity distribution in that country, for example: representatives from manufacturing, electricity supply, installation, contracting, consulting, research and large consumers.
A Directing Member country must :
- maintain a National Committee representing the activities of that country in the field of electricity distribution
- be committed to the advancement of distribution engineering
- be committed to the objective of CIRED
- actively support the biennial conference and additional CIRED activities
- support the visibility of CIRED and of professionals supporting CIRED
The NC will exercise the following functions in the country concerned :
- Appoint among its members a member of CIRED
- Maintain and make available to the secretariat a list of professionals in their country who by being on the list express that they find CIRED of value to their profession and support their colleagues who are active in CIRED.
- Propose the preferred subjects it wishes to be dealt with at the biennial conference and point out to the TC those aspects which it deems essential.
- Receive all information concerning CIRED, (eg calls for papers, conference programmes, etc.) and arrange for the circulation of information to interested people and organisations.
- Promote participation in CIRED conferences or symposia and offers of papers.
- Consider national synopses of papers for the biennial conference, select those which it wishes to recommend for consideration by the TC, and communicate these recommendations to the Organising Committee, which will then make synopses and recommendations available to the TC. NCs are invited to give comments to and/or order of preference of recommended synopses.
- Ensure that papers accepted for inclusion in the programme of the biennial conference conform to the requirements laid down by the TC and the Organising Committee.
- Send to the Secretariat any suggestions for improving future conferences and give advice on the CIRED orientation at the request of the DC.
- Make proposals for membership in the Session Advisory Groups (SAG) and Working groups.
The costs associated with the activities of the NC will be the responsibility of the country concerned. Application for statutes as Directing Member Country will be considered and decided upon by the DC.