Microgrids business models and regulatory issues - WG2019 2




Microgrids, which can be operated either while connected to the surrounding power system or while islanded, can be a solution to improve resiliency or continuity of supply and to facilitate the development of various services to power systems. The development of microgrids depends on the business models of involved stakeholders. lt raises complex regulatory issues, including, for instance, the rights and duties of parties, the impact on costs for participating vs. non-participating customers, the economical or societal value of socializing some costs, etc..


The working group will cover issues related to business models and regulatory issues as a complement to CIRED WG 2018-3 (Technical requirements for the operation of microgrids in bath interconnected and islanded modes). 
The working group will investigate the following issues: 
  • Microgrids value, taking into consideration:
    a. Ability to optimize DSO's investments;
    b. Resiliency and continuity of supply;
    c. Provision of services to the power system.
  • Microgrids business models.
  • Cost/Benefit analysis for bath customers connected to the microgrid and for the society.


Most relevant existing demonstration projects and studies should be presented including, when available, lessons learned from these projects. 
The Working Group will analyse what could speed up or hamper the development and the large­scale implementation of such solutions, including which regulatory factors encourage and counteract microgrid services. 

Convener :
Galand Jean, Enedis, France

Members :

Chae Wookyu, Kepri, Korea
Elad Shavi, Israeli Smart Energy Association, Israel
Girard Robin, MinesParisTech, France
Imboden Christoph, Lucerne School of engineering and architecture, Switzerland
Mendes Goncalo, LUT, Finland
Migne Romain, EDF Lab Singapore, France
Miri Larimi Sayyed Majid, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Roy Jean-Luc, GE Renewable Energy, France
Alena Ulasenka, ORMAZABAL, Spain
Vilá Castro Cristina, Iberdrola Networks, Spain

Click here to download the final report (ISSN 2684-1088) and here for a short summary