Microgrids business models and regulatory issues - WG2019 2
Microgrids, which can be operated either while connected to the surrounding power system or while islanded, can be a solution to improve resiliency or continuity of supply and to facilitate the development of various services to power systems. The development of microgrids depends on the business models of involved stakeholders. lt raises complex regulatory issues, including, for instance, the rights and duties of parties, the impact on costs for participating vs. non-participating customers, the economical or societal value of socializing some costs, etc..
Microgrids value, taking into consideration:
a. Ability to optimize DSO's investments;
b. Resiliency and continuity of supply;
c. Provision of services to the power system. - Microgrids business models.
- Cost/Benefit analysis for bath customers connected to the microgrid and for the society.
Convener :
Galand Jean, Enedis, France
Members :
Alena Ulasenka, ORMAZABAL, Spain
Click here to download the final report (ISSN 2684-1088) and here for a short summary